
Utilising waste streams and returnable packaging.

How is it an example of the circular economy?

Upcircle is a beauty brand which focuses on utilising waste food streams to create cosmetic products, alongside their choice of packaging materials, best suited for high re-use.  

120 billion units of packaging are produced every year by the global cosmetics industry, bulked out by the use of complex lids, multi-layered boxes and cellophane, much of which is superfluous, non-recyclable and ends up in our landfills and oceans”

Upcircle are addressing these complicated and often ignored problems by offering consumers cosmetic products packaged in materials which can be either readily recycled, or can be sent back, through their refill scheme.  “We're so excited to offer refills on over 90% of our skincare range!”.

The packaging will undergo chemical free sterilisation, ready to be refilled and sent out to new customers. This is a great example of how personal care products can simply be transitioned towards the circular economy, alongside how a business can pivot, change part of their business model, and exceed, finding a higher ROI. 

How else are Upcircle incentivising consumers to partake in the Circular economy?

To keep costs as low as possible we are offering a 20% discount on all refills, as well as a freepost label for free returns. Whereas to minimise our carbon footprint, all refills will be sent to our warehouse in London.” 

To bring about the transition for upcircle’s customers the use of both a monetary incentive alongside making the overall process of returning as simple as possible has been implemented. 



